News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Bitcoin moves into “pump and dump” phase as heavy Bitcoin holders push greed-driven mania in hopes of attracting new wave of suckers
After yesterday’s massive Bitcoin correction, which saw the crypto currency plunge nearly $500 — over 10% — in a matter of hours, the Bitcoin propagandists took to their microphones to denounce anyone who rationally warns people about the volatility risk and increasingly “Ponzi” structure of Bitcoin. What do all the people still pumping Bitcoin have […]
By Mike Adams
Huge Bitcoin correction now imminent as “Bitcoin fever” takes hold… (but long-term future still bright for BTC)
ANALYSIS: I’m putting out this time-sensitive alert to all our readers and fans who currently own Bitcoin. While Bitcoin is infinitely more honest than any central bank or government-run fiat currency system, it is also subject to extreme volatility and buy/sell manipulation by nefarious parties such as governments. As Bitcoin skyrockets past $2200 (USD), a […]
By Mike Adams
Dirty dairy industry launches propaganda war on clean food (video)
The dirty dairy industry doesn’t merely push dirty products contaminated with blood, pus and feces, it also uses dirty tactics to try to terrorize people who choose not to consume their filthy products. The latest disinfo propaganda campaign from the dirty dairy industry involves a major media push to try to scare people into thinking […]
By Mike Adams
RED ALERT: Attempted political coup now taking place in D.C. with effort to impeach Trump for fabricated “obstruction of justice”
This is a high priority alert. The Washington Post, now exposed as a CIA propaganda front, and the New York Times (a fiction-pimping anti-American rag owned by a Mexican national) have tag-teamed their way to their desired finish line: The impeachment and indictment of President Donald J. Trump. This has been accomplished through the publishing […]
By Mike Adams
Vaccines.news publishes emails from Boston Herald’s hate-filled VACCINE MURDER advocate Rachelle Cohen
Rachelle Cohen believes that anyone who opposes mercury in vaccines should be hanged to death. She’s a veteran writer / editor for the Boston Herald, and she has just demonstrated how the vaccine industry — and its mainstream media cohorts — is a violent, lunatic terrorism organization that has now decided to start calling for […]
By Mike Adams
Massachusetts Attorney General says it’s okay for mainstream media to publish death threats against “anti-vaxxers”
The mainstream media has just been given a green light by the Massachusetts Attorney General to openly publish death threats against so-called “anti-vaxxers” (a derogatory term which means anyone who questions the sanity of injecting children with mercury, a brain-damaging heavy metal and known neurotoxin). Proof of this is found in the letter shown below. […]
By Mike Adams
BOSTON RALLY this Thursday to target the Boston Herald for stating that vaccine skeptics should all be “hanged to death”
After the Boston Herald published an article claiming that scientists, journalists and naturopaths who oppose injecting children with mercury should be “hanged to death,” all hell broke loose for the Herald and its editor, Rachelle Cohen. For starters, Natural News urged its readers and fans to report the Boston Herald to the Boston FBI and […]
By Mike Adams
All mainstream media news that cites “anonymous sources” is FAKE NEWS
We have now entered the realm of such a complete abandonment of journalistic ethics that mainstream media news outlets now believe they have the right to fabricate fake news by inventing “anonymous sources” to bolster whatever fake news they wish to write. This actually isn’t something new to the Washington Post, NYT, USA Today and […]
By Mike Adams
Federal government releases financial settlement figures for vaccine injuries, shattering media’s false claim that vaccines never harm anyone
Even while the hopelessly dishonest, scientifically illiterate oldstream media continues lying to the public with the ridiculous narrative that “vaccines are safe” — read WashPost, The Atlantic, NYT or USA Today for a daily dose of vaccine holocaust denialism — the federal government has publicly released vaccine injury payout figures that prove vaccines routinely maim […]
By Mike Adams
FDA-approved anti-seizure medication causes 90 percent of skin to “MELT OFF” a 26-year-old graduate student
If you want to know just how dangerous Big Pharma’s toxic drugs really are, the headline photo for this story reveals the before and after status of a 26-year-old Georgia student whose skin was 90% “melted off” after using a GlaxoSmithKline anti-seizure medication, according to her own testimony. The woman joins many others who are now […]
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