News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Firing James Comey is a great first step… now it’s time to INDICT him on corruption charges
President Trump has rediscovered his backbone and fired FBI head James Comey, a corrupt, lawless bureaucrat who deliberately allowed Democrats guilty of “high crimes” to get away scot-free. “In a move that surprised many and likely sent shock waves throughout the Deep State, President Donald J. Trump fired FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday,” reports […]
By Mike Adams
HPV vaccine turns young woman into a shriveled, tortured vaccine victim with severe pain that never goes away
The entire corporate-controlled media in the United States maintains a total news blackout over the vaccine injuries that maim, disfigure and even kill children and teens across America. As part of the unapologetic news censorship, hideously unethical, child-sacrificing publishers like The Atlantic absurdly LIE to their readers, claiming vaccines never harm anyone at all (see […]
By Mike Adams
SCIENCE SHOCK: Almost all medical studies are “bogus” … reproducibility approaches ZERO
If you’ve ever wanted to read large collections of fake news, look no further than medical science journals such as The Lancet or the British Medical Journal. Almost everything they publish is “bogus,” explains science writer Richard Harris, who writes for NPR, and the result is billions of dollars in fraud, waste and unnecessary expenditures on Big Pharma […]
By Mike Adams
“VACCINE RAGE” phenomenon may explain global increase in anger, violence and insanity
Almost everyone agrees that the levels of anger, violence and insanity now witnessed across our world are the highest we’ve ever seen in our lifetimes. Something is making people go crazy, from the UC Berkeley rioters who want to murder conservative speakers, to the widespread anger, hatred and calls for the execution of President Trump […]
By Mike Adams
Carbon dioxide “pollutant” myth totally DEBUNKED in must-see science video
As part of the new Health Ranger Science effort at public education on crucial science issues of our time, I’ve just released this truly must-see video that totally debunks the false narrative of carbon dioxide as a “pollutant.” As you’ll see explained in the video below, climate change alarmists use visual trickery and deceit to […]
By Mike Adams
Amazon wants to watch you get dressed: New “Echo Look” camera to spy on you in your own bedroom and bathroom
Not content to merely track your interests in books, movies and products, Amazon.com, predominantly owned by globalist Jeff Bezos — the same owner of the fake news Washington Post — now wants to watch you get dressed in your own bedroom. The company has introduced a $199 camera called “Echo Look” that uploads images of […]
By Mike Adams
If you’re not using OPTICAL storage, all your data may be wiped out in a nuclear war, solar flare or EMP attack
The threat of an EMP attack from North Korea is “real and terrifying,” reports PJ Media. John Moore writes: An EMP disaster from a high-altitude blast seems like science fiction: There is a silent flash high in the sky, and everything using electricity just … stops. Cars stop, power goes out, the Internet dies, satellites […]
By Mike Adams
Breast cancer BOMBSHELL: Women being CONNED into mastectomy surgery by doctors who SCARE them with false genetic testing results, warn Stanford medical researchers
Women all across America are being conned into medically unnecessary breast removal surgery (bilateral mastectomy surgery) by doctors who scare them with “fake science” by falsely describing genetic testing results, warn researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine. Women who have harmless genetic variants called VUS (Variants of Uncertain Significance) are falsely being told […]
By Mike Adams
Incredibly disturbing animation reveals how vaccines are really made… WARNING: this will turn your stomach
Isn’t it interesting how so many people scrutinize the ingredients in the groceries they buy, yet they allow themselves to be injected with vaccines without having any clue what ingredients they contain? Vaccines are deliberately made with all sorts of bizarre ingredients, the CDC confirms. These ingredients include toxic heavy metals, animal blood components, human […]
By Mike Adams
Alex Jones, Pizzagate and The Boy Who Cried Wolf
With his widely publicized apology for hyping up the pizzagate story, Infowars’ Alex Jones just became The Boy Who Cried Wolf. By aggressively reporting the story without sufficient supporting facts to back up his assertions, Jones just handed the real pedophiles in Washington D.C. — no matter where they lurk — an instant defense against […]
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