News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
One of the key proponents of climate change “science” now says eating weed killer is safe for your health and good for the planet
How can you get people to buy what you’re selling? Many marketing experts believe in the power of celebrity endorsements, hiring the latest gossip page darlings to hawk whatever wares they are selling. These celebrities might not like or even use the products they are promoting, but they are happy to collect their check and […]
By Cassie B.
Airplane cabin air found contaminated with toxic chemicals that really can damage your health
You probably know at least one person who has a fear of flying. Whether it comes out of concerns about terrorism or worries over crashing, these people can usually be placated to some extent by looking at statistics showing how unlikely these events are to occur on their flight. However, there is one danger that […]
By Cassie B.
The REAL goal of climate change alarmism is to achieve global food scarcity, mass human poverty and depopulation
A lot of scientists have been scratching their heads over some of the claims of climate change activists. After all, the results that we’d get from following their advice and getting rid of carbon dioxide, for example, completely fly in the face of their stated goal of making the earth greener. How is it that […]
By Cassie B.
Breathing nanoparticles from combustion engines causes Alzheimer’s disease… is this why so many city dwellers are losing their minds?
The precise mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease continue to baffle scientists, but a plethora of recent studies have been shedding some light on this mysterious ailment that kills more people each year than prostate cancer and breast cancer combined. Now, a new study has found that the cause of Alzheimer’s disease is “hiding in plain sight,” […]
By Cassie B.
Horrifying video shows how opioid addiction has transformed the city of Baltimore into a Third World city
If you want to see just how quickly drugs can plunge a beautiful and thriving city into desolation, look no further than Baltimore. On the surface, the city has plenty to offer, with lots of history, a lovely harbor, diverse entertainment options, and top research and medical facilities. However as opiate addiction has spread throughout […]
By Cassie B.
Combination of antibiotic plus vitamin C found 100x more effective at killing cancer cells than chemotherapy
Conventional wisdom says that increasing your vitamin C intake can help ward off colds, but now scientists believe it could be a powerful tool in a much bigger battle: The fight against cancer. A study that was recently published in Oncotarget found that a combination of antibiotics and Vitamin C could be as much as […]
By Cassie B.
Fake Food: GMO crops have been a massive failure on every level
Genetically modified crops were once hailed as the solution to all manner of problems facing our planet. Proponents insisted they would reduce the need for pesticides, increase yields and help create plenty of nutritious food to feed our world. Two decades later, however, it’s becoming increasingly clear that GMO crops are far from a dream […]
By Cassie B.
Tiger Woods’ alcohol breath test was ZERO! Prescription drugs really did make him drive like a lunatic
When Tiger Woods claimed that he hadn’t been drinking prior to his recent DUI arrest, many skeptics felt he was just trying to salvage whatever might have been left of his reputation. However, a breathalyzer test appears to support his claim that his erratic driving was actually the result of taking prescription medication and not […]
By Cassie B.
CONFIRMED: Three Mile Island nuclear accident found to have significantly increased thyroid cancer in surrounding counties due to radioactive Iodine-131
When a partial meltdown struck the Three Mile Island nuclear generating station near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in March 1979, the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission tried to downplay the incident. Much like the officials involved in the Fukushima meltdown, they said at the time that the radiation released into the environment was only in small amounts […]
By Cassie B.
CRISPR gene editing found to cause hundreds of “unintended mutations”, warn scientists
When you choose to interfere with nature, you should be prepared for results that are far from natural. That’s the message of a new study out of the Columbia University Medical Center, where researchers are warning scientists that the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology results in unintended mutations that could go undetected. As a relatively new […]
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