News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Comcast accused of submitting anti-net neutrality names and comments to the FCC without permission; is your name on the list?
When the FCC opened up its website last month for comments on the anti-net neutrality proposal that was put forth by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, it was flooded with more than 2.5 million comments about the controversial proposal. However, it turns out that not all of these comments are legitimate. In fact, it is now […]
By Cassie B.
Activists attempt to ESCAPE Ecuador after suffering shocking ordeal
When activist Carlita Shaw first headed to Ecuador six years ago, she had no idea what was in store for her. She went to the South American country to work on biodiversity conservation projects in conjunction with Amazon indigenous groups, and while she accomplished a great deal, her stay there has recently been marred with […]
By Cassie B.
7 obvious warning signs we are heading for an economic meltdown
While the mainstream media tries to paint a positive picture of economic recovery taking place in our country right now, there are some disturbing signs that a 2008-like economic meltdown is on the horizon. The U.S. GDP grew at its worst rate in three years during 2017’s first quarter, with a seasonally adjusted annual rate […]
By Cassie B.
Monsanto caught running massive “troll farm” to maliciously smear the Food Babe, Health Ranger, Jeffrey Smith and anyone questioning the fake science behind GMOs
Have you ever wondered why the debate over the safety of Roundup and glyphosate rages on despite the mounting evidence that it is indeed dangerous for every type of life on our planet? New court documents have revealed something that many people have long suspected: Roundup manufacturer Monsanto has a troop of trolls at its […]
By Cassie B.
Descendants of Tuskegee government-run medical experiments on black men still seeking justice… yet the medical tyranny continues today
Forty-five years after one of the most outrageous examples of unethical medical practices in our nation’s history, The Tuskegee Syphilis Study, was exposed, descendants of its subjects are still calling for justice. This horrific experiment started in 1932, when the sexually transmitted disease syphilis was spreading out of control, particularly in poverty-stricken areas. No good […]
By Cassie B.
FDA to use millions in taxpayer dollars to promote GMO propaganda
You might not be willing to buy GMO foods, but you’ll still be spending money on them thanks to a new congressional bill that allocates $3 million of taxpayer dollars to “consumer outreach and education regarding agricultural biotechnology.” A Pew study recently discovered that 39 percent of people in the U.S. think GMOs are bad […]
By Cassie B.
If you oppose carbon dioxide, then you hate rainforests, ecosystems, trees and all life on our planet
We’d all like to think that experts who speak out about issues like the environment have a solid educational background to back up their stances, but it appears that some of the loudest voices in the climate change debate have failed basic biology. When the public hears people like Bill Nye, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Al […]
By Cassie B.
Cheap vitamins are made from GMO glucose syrup fed to bacteria, analysis finds… Don’t buy low-grade vitamins
Last year, Brits spent more money on vitamins than painkillers. On the surface, this sounds like good news because painkillers have been associated with many concerning side effects. However, it turns out that some of the vitamins on the market are not exactly doing their bodies any favors. The UK multivitamin industry is worth a […]
By Cassie B.
NRDC backs up Health Ranger’s lab findings of contaminated water across America: All 50 states have serious EPA violations
We’ve all heard people make light of what might happen if you drink the water when you’re traveling to foreign countries, but the joke is on you if you think the water here at home is any better. A recent report by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) revealed some sobering statistics about the state […]
By Cassie B.
REPORT: Unvaccinated children have significantly fewer health problems
If vaccines are truly effective at preventing sickness, it is only logical to expect vaccinated kids to be healthier than their unvaccinated peers. In fact, a desire to keep their kids healthy is the reason many parents blindly adhere to the prescribed vaccine schedule. At the same time, however, we’ve been hearing more than ever […]
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