News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Prediction: Special counsel Mueller will investigate Team Trump until SOME “crime” is either found or manufactured
If you ever needed clearer evidence that the political “swamp” President Donald J. Trump pledged to drain on the campaign trail last year is digging in for a fight-to-the-finish battle with him, you need to look no further than the appointment of Robert Mueller as special “independent” counsel. In Mueller, a former FBI director himself and best buddies […]
By JD Heyes
SOURCES: Hillary Clinton to be prosecuted under RICO Act, may face prison time for selling influence
For decades Bill and Hillary Clinton have gotten away with just about anything they’ve wanted to — and it’s been a lot. They have weathered political scandal after scandal, from Bill’s earliest days as an Arkansas politician and governor, to his time in the White House as president — and Hillary’s years as a lawyer, […]
By JD Heyes
Special Counsel to investigate “Russian collusion” is an orchestrated witch hunt run by the deep state to overthrow America
The longer newly appointed independent counsel and former FBI Director Robert Mueller is around, the more some in Congress, along with tens of millions of Americans who support President Donald J. Trump, are becoming suspicious of his appointment and his motives. Case in point: GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert, himself a lawyer, a former state district […]
By JD Heyes
The EMP threat put in context: It may not be the top threat we face, but it’s still a threat – Part 2
Recently we reported that the threat of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) event, via nuclear attack or a massive solar storm, has long been considered a threat to the nation’s power grid and all of the infrastructure it supports. But, our report noted, because there still isn’t a consensus among experts about how best to protect […]
By JD Heyes
Finally: U.S. contractor arrested, charged with sending classified NSA intelligence to a news outlet
When the Trump administration pledged recently to crack down on all of the Deep State leaking to the media, those responsible for it should have taken the threat seriously. Now, it seems, the first of what may become a deluge of arrests concerning the unauthorized release of classified information to the press has been made. As […]
By JD Heyes
Deranged liberal college students who waged genocidal “No Whites Day” event at Evergreen College are now crying and demanding the video be scrubbed from the ‘net
In recent days you may recall, on this site and others, reading about wild tales involving a group of “misguided” students at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington who demanded observance and compliance with “No Whites Day” while threatening professors, staff and other students who disagreed with the racist demonstration. The little ingrates were making […]
By JD Heyes
Health Ranger vindication: New study finds pesticides are much more neurotoxic than previously reported
For years Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has been warning about the toxic effects modern pesticides have on the human body, especially the brain. Now, new research has vindicated Adams and other natural, organic food experts and proponents (yet again): Pesticides are actually more neurotoxic than ‘mainstream’ scientists have believed. As reported […]
By JD Heyes
The EMP threat put in context: It may not be the top threat we face, but it’s still a threat – Part 1
Earlier this year, former CIA Director James Woolsey and Dr. Peter Pry, head of a new congressional panel, were tasked with the job of studying the threat and aftereffects of an electromagnetic pulse event or attack on the power grid and infrastructure it supports throughout the United States. Their assessment was grim: They opined that […]
By JD Heyes
The world is drowning in debt… here’s why it will IMPLODE across the UK, USA and China in the near future
The United States, after eight years of George W. Bush and eight more under Barack Obama, is now sitting at $20 trillion in debt, an amount that is more than 104 percent of our country’s annual gross domestic product. That means if we dedicated every single penny to paying that debt off — which of […]
By JD Heyes
List of Democrats who took money from violent sicko Kathy Griffin who promotes the blood beheading of President Trump
It’s really interesting to read social media posts from supporters of the far-Left Democratic Party whenever they are trolling stories meant to report truthfully and honestly on conservatives and lovers of liberty and the Constitution. They love to lump us all into a single group (these days a popular characterization is “Trumpster” or some vulgar […]
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