News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
COVID-19 vaccines found to diminish beneficial bacteria in the human microbiome
One of the ways in which COVID-19 vaccines destroy human immune function is through the gut microbiota. Not only do the vaccines fail to confer sufficient neutralizing antibodies, but they also target various species of beneficial bacteria that are needed for long term human immune function. The substantial loss of biodiversity in the human gut […]
By Lance D Johnson
COVID jabs form spike proteins in heart cells, causing irregular heart contractions and full blown cardiomyopathy, researchers find
For three years, doctors and scientists have been documenting serious injuries to the heart muscle of COVID vaccine recipients. These injuries typically present as inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) or inflammation of the sac around the heart (pericarditis). Now, German researchers have discovered the precise mechanisms of injury behind the Pfizer and Moderna COVID […]
By Lance D Johnson
STUDY: Cross-sex hormones increase heart disease risk in transvestites by 93%
Over the last fifteen years, a new industry has emerged, one that preys on the psychology of young adults and children, one that destabilizes, deforms and castrates people, with no regard for medical ethics. A new study finds that cross-sex hormones increase one’s risk of heart disease by 93%. These cross-sex hormones are the one-size-fits-all […]
By Lance D Johnson
Contraceptives, statins, PPIs, and blood pressure meds all linked to increased cancer risk
According to the latest research, many commonly used medications are now linked to an increased cancer risk. These FDA-approved medications include: contraceptives, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), heartburn drugs, high blood pressure medications, and statins. Most people trust these drugs to be safe and effective; however, they may either contain ingredients that increase one’s risk for […]
By Lance D Johnson
Thousands of children were injured by DTP vaccine lots that were 14 times more toxic and contained cholera antigens
Not all vaccine lots are created the same. When a greater volume of adjuvant is used in a vaccine, it can cause more numerous and more serious side effects. The adjuvant (usually aluminum salts) is the ingredient used to augment an immune response in the individual. Likewise, vaccine manufacturers can accidentally mix up or mislabel […]
By Lance D Johnson
FDA approved 24 drugs in 2022 based on a SINGLE study
Over the past three decades, the scientific method has systemically deteriorated, spurred by federal agencies that were meant to protect the public and uphold scientific standards but have instead sold out. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved 37 drugs and medical products in 2022 based on scant anecdotal evidence. Shockingly, 24 of the […]
By Lance D Johnson
Global warming scare campaigns no longer use polar bears as props because polar bears are THRIVING
Global warming theory first became popularized when science publishers began to circulate pictures of polar bears dying in arctic waters, surrounded by melting icebergs. This visual of dying polar bears was etched in the public consciousness for years, driving climate activism, scientific funding, and political agendas. This wouldn’t be the first time that human empathy […]
By Lance D Johnson
VACCINES COST LIVES: Child mortality is HIGHER in developed nations that require more vaccines – new study
If vaccines save millions of lives and increase the human lifespan, then the nations with superior healthcare systems and the most rigorous vaccine schedules should have the lowest mortality rates for every age group, especially for children and babies. However, a new peer-reviewed study published in the Cureus Journal of Medical Science finds that child […]
By Lance D Johnson
Swiss hospital reports 1 in 35 healthcare workers suffered sub-clinical heart damage after mRNA jab
A new study published in the European Journal of Heart Failure has found that sub-clinical heart damage from the mRNA vaccines is NOT just some rare or mild side effect. For the past three years, this deadly propaganda has been advertised by the vaccine companies, the government, their media outlets, and Big Tech censors. The latest […]
By Lance D Johnson
Since the lockdowns, roughly 122 million more people have been pushed into hunger, and the engineered famines are going to get worse
The United Nations (UN) just published their latest State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report, and the results are grim. Before the covid-19 scandal, before the 2020 lockdowns, the mass mental illness, the rioting in the streets, and the mass enabling of crime, approximately 613 million people around the world were […]
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