News & Articles By News Editors
By News Editors
The news media IS the enemy of the American people
President Trump said that the Media is the enemy of the American people. (Article by Geri Ungurean republished from Grandmageri422.me) I agree with him. I’m not letting the “people” completely off the hook. They choose to watch and believe liberal “Fake News” TV stations. They have been told that Fox News is against “the people” […]
By News Editors
Treason, treachery, and terrorist threats: Yes, the mainstream media is the enemy of free Americans and these recent stories help to reveal their true agenda
While President Donald Trump has been roundly criticized by the mainstream media and politicians on the left for suggesting back in 2017 that the MSM was ‘the enemy’ of the American people, several new stories out over the past several days alone prove that President Trump was correct in his assessment. (Article by Stefan Stanford republished […]
By News Editors
Nolte: Associated Press becomes fake news factory with immigration lies
The far-left Associated Press has published two wildly misleading articles over the last two weeks in order to level false accusations against the Trump administration regarding immigration policy. (Article by John Nolte republished from Breitbart.com) Last week, in a widely circulated story, the AP reported, “U.S. Army reservists and recruits who enlisted in the military with […]
By News Editors
Dr. Eowyn: National data bases don’t show 6 adults were killed at Sandy Hook school
Dr. Eowyn We are told that on December 14, 2012, lone gunman Adam Lanza went on a shooting spree in Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES) in Newtown, Connecticut, killing 20 children and 6 adults. (Article by Jim Fetzer republished from JamesFetzer.blogspot.com) The six adults are the principal and teachers at SHES: Rachel Davino: teacher’s aide; […]
By News Editors
Jon Voight, Alveda King making pro-life Roe v Wade film
The Left are going to lose their minds over this one: a film project is in the works to tell the story of Roe v. Wade, depicting the landmark abortion case from a pro-life perspective. (Article by Alex Parker republished from TruthRevolt.org) The endeavor is being funded in part via Indiegogo, the webpage of which states that the […]
By News Editors
From a legal perspective, Mueller’s investigation is dead. Here’s why…
Like a headless turkey running around in circles, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s anti-Trump investigation is dead, even if he does not yet realize it. While his investigation stumbles onward, with life support provided by the biased media, from a legal perspective the viability of any criminal case that Mueller could possibly bring has been effectively gutted […]
By News Editors
Time for a Full Investigation… of the FBI
What happens to a country whose most important police force — and its key investigators — is no longer telling the truth to the citizens of that nation? Nothing good, I’m sure most would agree. There’s almost no point in going through all the analogies to despotic regimes. Writers from George Orwell to Arthur Koestler […]
By News Editors
How the Government conditions citizens to obey
Can you count how many ways the government manipulates people to be the type of citizen they can easily control? (Article by Anthony Wile republished from The Daily Bell) I think that would be impossible to come up with an actual number when every facet of government is dedicated to shaping the citizen in ways contrary to […]
By News Editors
Excerpt – Sharyl Attkisson’s ‘The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, What You Think, and How You Vote’
The following is an excerpt from former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson’s recently released book, The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, What You Think, and How You Vote: THE BIRTH OF FAKE NEWS: THE CLINTONS AND THE NEW YORK TIMES If you ask people to identify a coming of age […]
By News Editors
Campbell: Trump should break up Google’s media monopoly
When President Trump was still on the campaign trail, he noted that Amazon is using the Washington Post (owned by Amazon) as a political instrument to avoid prosecution for its “huge antitrust problem.” President Trump is right to be concerned about Silicon Valley’s unprecedented corporate power and influence over the nation’s media, and he’s right that “we can’t let […]
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