There are many examples of “Russian collusion” NOT committed by Trump but somehow Robert Mueller can’t find them

If the real and only reason why Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed special counsel Robert Mueller was to find out if there was evidence of illegal “collusion” between the 2016 Trump campaign and the Russian government, he should have found it by now.

After nearly a year on the case and after congressional committees and the Justice Department have supposedly investigated this allegation for nearly two years and no evidence has been found or charges filed, then one has to assume there isn’t any evidence and there won’t be any charges.

At least not against President Donald J. Trump. Just Thursday, reports broke that Rosenstein informed Trump on his own, without the president’s prompting, that he wasn’t a target of Mueller’s investigation.

Fine — then why hasn’t it been shut down, if in fact it was begun solely on the allegation that Trump and his people were colluding?

More to the point, why hasn’t Mueller indicted some people who seem to have obviously colluded with Russian officials, figures, and entities?

Writing in the National Review, Victor Davis Hansen expertly identifies a number of people who had a role in the 2016 election and who had distinct connections to Russia that, for some reason, Mueller can’t find the time to pursue. 

In no particular order:

— Former British spy Christopher Steele, the man who compiled the infamous “Russia dossier” at the heart of so much regarding this scam. He was hired by the campaign of Hillary Clinton “through a series of firewall intermediaries,” Hanson writes, and “probably paid Russian sources for gossip and smears” on Trump. Shouldn’t Clinton contractors be under investigation for seeking Russian sources for dirt on the eventual GOP nominee?

— Collusion of some sort most likely took place when the Obama Justice Department and FBI went to the secretive FISA court and obtained surveillance warrants so they could spy on Trump campaign official Carter Page — who, of course, as a member of the campaign interacted with just about everyone else involved, including the candidate himself. On several occasions officials requesting the warrants made sure that the FISA court judges did not know that the dossier was paid for by Clinton, it was not verified by the FBI, and that the bureau severed its ties to Steele “on the basis of his unreliability,” Hanson writes. (Related: Are Comey, Hillary, McCabe, Lynch, and other Obama-era #NeverTrump renegades about to be indicted on multiple felony charges?)

— “Such a collusion of silence was similar to James Comey’s admission that he apprised President Trump of every iota of lurid sexual gossip about him — except that his source was a dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton and written by a campaign operative hired to find dirt on Trump and who had been working with Comey’s FBI to get FISA approval to spy on Trump’s own aides,” he added.

— And wouldn’t several ranking government officials have to “collude” to get their stories straight in case someone, somewhere, at some point, began poking their nose into all of this? 

— Who planned it out that Comey would write and leak memos of meetings he allegedly had with Trump, allowing him to pass them to a friend who then leaked them to the press, to ensure he was once-removed from the process? Collusion must have taken place in order to leak a classified memo containing such information that House Intelligence Committee members with security clearances can’t see what the media and a personal friend have seen already.

— Didn’t Comey himself collude? He misled Congress when he assured them he had not made up his mind to exonerate Hillary Clinton before his agents had completed their investigation into her mishandling of classified information, then contradicted what both Loretta Lynch and Andrew McCabe have said about how he was not the source of media leaks nor had he approved any. And of course, he had to have colluded with someone when he opted to tell Trump about the dossier but declined to inform him that it was political opposition research or that the Clinton had paid for it.

— Didn’t Lynch “collude” with Comey and others after she met with Clinton’s former presidential husband on an Arizona airport tarmac? 

And again, all of this ties back to that Russian-supplied dossier. 

There is so much collusion here resulting from the 2016 election that it seems more than a stretch to believe that Robert Mueller can’t see any of it.

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J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.

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