Gavin McGinnis fiasco proves tech giants use bogus “hate speech” claims to permanently ban anyone they don’t like

The Left-wing social media behemoths are continuing their efforts to drive all influential conservative voices from their platforms, and Gavin McGinnis, founder of the Proud Boys and formerly with CRTV, has become the latest victim.

Shortly after CRTV announced a merger with financially struggling TheBlazeTV, founded by Glenn Beck, McGinnis was let go/sent packing/not brought along for the ride — we don’t yet know because nobody is talking. But it seems clear that he didn’t leave voluntarily.

So he decided to turn instead to YouTube and was summarily banned from that platform as well.

“It’s all part of a concerted effort to completely deplatform me,” McInnes told The Gateway Pundit. “YouTube was the last place I had to defend myself.”

“I have a swarm of Social Justice Warrior bees surrounding me and attacking all my platforms. After BlazeTV, I figured I’d go to YouTube but they got that too,” he said, The Wrap noted further. “I’ve been 100 percent deplatformed and can no longer defend myself when people make up lies or take jokes out of context.”

But is what happened to McGinnis really part of a “concerted effort” aimed at all conservatives, especially those deemed “controversial?” 

Absolutely it is, and The Daily Caller provided additional evidence in a report published earlier this week.

The site noted that Google employees attempted to block several conservative news sites including Breitbart News from participating in Google Ads, a massive deal given that Google controls roughly 37 percent of all digital advertising revenue.

The Daily Caller reported:

Google employees sought to block Breitbart from Google AdSense less than one month after President Donald Trump took office, leaked emails from the company reveal.

Google employees sought to use alleged “hate speech” as a pretense for banning Breitbart from taking part in the advertising program, the emails show.

Any conservative speech or speech that simply does not fall completely in line with the authoritarian Left is ‘hate speech’ so that’s an extremely low bar given the true objective of the speech Nazis who work at Google and the other liberal social media giants, which is to silence those who disagree. (Related: BIAS: Google’s new ‘fact check’ service is targeting primarily CONSERVATIVE news sites.) 

Google laughably denies it is influenced by political bias

One of the ways Google attempts to do that is by robbing conservative sites of revenue. Banning Breitbart from the Google AdSense program would have cost the site untold millions per year in revenue, as it generates close to 75 million page views per month, according to an estimate by SimilarWeb. For now, Breitbart is still participating in the Google AdSense program. 

Breitbart published the emails here.

The emails clearly indicate a plot being hatched by Google content managers and others who planned to scour the articles on site but also the comments too in search of anything that could even remotely be considered ‘hateful’ per the company’s standards. 

“My team has been reviewing the site on a frequent basis (at least weekly) from the [original] fake news kick-off discussion,” Google’s director of monetization at the time, Jim Gray, assured the group. Richard Zippel, who at the time was a Google publisher quality manager, also noted that Breitbart was under close scrutiny. “When sufficient violations have been found we’ll take action at the site level,” Zippel wrote.

Laughably, a spokeswoman for Google denied to The Daily Caller that the ad platform was influenced by political bias, TheDC reported. 

“We regularly and routinely review sites in our ad network to ensure compliance with our policies. These emails from early 2017 simply show the AdSense team explaining that such a periodic review was underway,” said the spokeswoman.


“The leaked discussions are the third example of Google employees seeking to weaponize the company’s products for left-wing political purposes,” TheDC reported.

Stay informed about social media censorship of conservatives

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